Video interview – AFROSCREEN project: Strengthening epidemiological surveillance capacities in partner countries

Video interview – AFROSCREEN project: Strengthening epidemiological surveillance capacities in partner countries

Rila Ratovoson (Epidemiology Researcher, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar), Abdoulaye Toure (Director of CERFIG, Guinea) and Isidore Traore (Head of Epidemiology Unit, Centre MURAZ, Burkina Faso) answer our questions:

  • What is the purpose of sentinel surveillance systems and regional data sharing?
  • What are the benefits of sentinel surveillance in Burkina Faso?
  • How is the AFROSCREEN project organized in Madagascar?
  • Comment le projet AFROSCREEN a-t-il renforcé les sites sentinelles du SARS-CoV-2 en Guinée ?

Watch the video interview at:

Rila Ratovoson (Epidemiology Researcher, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar), Abdoulaye Toure (Director of CERFIG, Guinea) and Isidore Traore (Head of Epidemiology Unit, Centre MURAZ, Burkina Faso) answer our questions:

  • What is the purpose of sentinel surveillance systems and regional data sharing?
  • What are the benefits of sentinel surveillance in Burkina Faso?
  • How is the AFROSCREEN project organized in Madagascar?
  • Comment le projet AFROSCREEN a-t-il renforcé les sites sentinelles du SARS-CoV-2 en Guinée ?

Watch the video interview at:

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