Three questions to … Dr Estelle Madaha
Three questions to … Dr Estelle Madaha
Arrived in April 2022 in the AFROSCREEN adventure, Dr Estelle Madaha is the regional coordinator for the Pasteur Network. She introduces herself in three questions.

- Hello Dr Madaha, can you introduce yourself?
I hold a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Yaoundé 1 and a master’s degree in microbiology, option in bacteriology. Although my inclination for bacteriology animated my years of study, the arrival of Covid-19 redirected me to virology. From the start of the pandemic in 2020, I volunteered to take on the mission of biologist head of the teams in charge of diagnostic activities at the Centre Pasteur Cameroon.
The Centre Pasteur Cameroon was designated as the national reference laboratory for Covid-19 and in this context had a mandate to train all laboratories in its diagnosis. I was thus deployed in the virology laboratory of the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala, where I stayed for 10 months. There, I participated in the implementation of protocols to ensure the homogenization of data at the national level, to ensure the quality control of the results and to be the point of contact for the administration on behalf of the Centre Pasteur Cameroon.
Since May 2021, I have returned to Yaoundé at the Centre Pasteur Cameroon to continue my duties as a biologist in charge of coordinating Covid-19 diagnostic activities.
- What are your missions as regional coordinator within AFROSCREEN?
I ensure the regional coordination of the members of the Pasteur Network in the 7 African countries where the AFROSCREEN project is implemented. Therefore, I am the interface between the teams that carry out the epidemiological activities, the laboratory activities and the administrative teams (finance, legal, communication) in close collaboration with the project team of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, member of the AFROSCREEN consortium.
On a daily basis, the missions are many and varied because I have to handle purchasing procedures and verify needs in equipment, reagents and trainings, as well as the sharing of data and information. I also ensure that difficulties, whatever they may be, can be resolved in a minimum of time, allowing the Pasteur Network teams to work in optimal conditions. My coordination missions will lead me to make frequent trips to the different countries of the Pasteur Network.
- What is your motto?
“Being open to new fields of possibilities”.
In my opinion, it is important to be open to transversality on a scientific level. Having varied and multidisciplinary skills excites me. I went from bacteriology to virology and I think it is enriching to always acquire new skills.
- Hello Dr Madaha, can you introduce yourself?
I hold a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Yaoundé 1 and a master’s degree in microbiology, option in bacteriology. Although my inclination for bacteriology animated my years of study, the arrival of Covid-19 redirected me to virology. From the start of the pandemic in 2020, I volunteered to take on the mission of biologist head of the teams in charge of diagnostic activities at the Centre Pasteur Cameroon.
The Centre Pasteur Cameroon was designated as the national reference laboratory for Covid-19 and in this context had a mandate to train all laboratories in its diagnosis. I was thus deployed in the virology laboratory of the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala, where I stayed for 10 months. There, I participated in the implementation of protocols to ensure the homogenization of data at the national level, to ensure the quality control of the results and to be the point of contact for the administration on behalf of the Centre Pasteur Cameroon.
Since May 2021, I have returned to Yaoundé at the Centre Pasteur Cameroon to continue my duties as a biologist in charge of coordinating Covid-19 diagnostic activities.
- What are your missions as regional coordinator within AFROSCREEN?
I ensure the regional coordination of the members of the Pasteur Network in the 7 African countries where the AFROSCREEN project is implemented. Therefore, I am the interface between the teams that carry out the epidemiological activities, the laboratory activities and the administrative teams (finance, legal, communication) in close collaboration with the project team of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, member of the AFROSCREEN consortium.
On a daily basis, the missions are many and varied because I have to handle purchasing procedures and verify needs in equipment, reagents and trainings, as well as the sharing of data and information. I also ensure that difficulties, whatever they may be, can be resolved in a minimum of time, allowing the Pasteur Network teams to work in optimal conditions. My coordination missions will lead me to make frequent trips to the different countries of the Pasteur Network.
- What is your motto?
“Being open to new fields of possibilities”.
In my opinion, it is important to be open to transversality on a scientific level. Having varied and multidisciplinary skills excites me. I went from bacteriology to virology and I think it is enriching to always acquire new skills.