Publication in Cell: “Clade I mpox virus genomic diversity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018–2024: Predominance of zoonotic transmission”
Publication in Cell: “Clade I mpox virus genomic diversity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018–2024: Predominance of zoonotic transmission”

Photo: NIAID
The article has just been published in Cell, and represents a major sequencing work by the INRB team with the support of AFROSCREEN. We previously reported on this study when it was still in preprint here. In short, this paper explores the genomic diversity of the mpox virus in the DRC between 2018 and 2024, revealing two distinct modes of transmission: zoonotic, which predominates, and human-to-human, which is rapidly spreading, especially with the clade Ib variant.
This study is crucial as it sheds light on the virus’s evolution, with direct implications for monitoring and controlling mpox spread, particularly in urban and cross-border regions. Read more in the ANRS press release or dive into the full scientific paper published in Cell here.
Photo: NIAID
The article has just been published in Cell, and represents a major sequencing work by the INRB team with the support of AFROSCREEN. We previously reported on this study when it was still in preprint here. In short, this paper explores the genomic diversity of the mpox virus in the DRC between 2018 and 2024, revealing two distinct modes of transmission: zoonotic, which predominates, and human-to-human, which is rapidly spreading, especially with the clade Ib variant.
This study is crucial as it sheds light on the virus’s evolution, with direct implications for monitoring and controlling mpox spread, particularly in urban and cross-border regions. Read more in the ANRS press release or dive into the full scientific paper published in Cell here.