Bioinformatics training in Montpellier: capacity building with AFROSCREEN
Bioinformatics training in Montpellier: capacity building with AFROSCREEN

Photo by Armel Gnimadi (CERFIG)
A bioinformatics training was held in Montpellier, organized by the IRD’s TransVIHMI. It aimed to strengthen the capacities of health professionals from several African countries by enhancing their skills in sequencing data management, including pathogen identification and analysis, to support epidemic response in Africa.
Photo by Armel Gnimadi (CERFIG)
A bioinformatics training was held in Montpellier, organized by the IRD’s TransVIHMI. It aimed to strengthen the capacities of health professionals from several African countries by enhancing their skills in sequencing data management, including pathogen identification and analysis, to support epidemic response in Africa.